Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The MsgPlus object is a global object that gives access to various properties and functions related to Messenger Plus!. It also brings cool features for your script such as DisplayToast and CreateWnd.


Name Description
LockMessenger Triggers the Lock Messenger feature of Messenger Plus!.
LogEvent Generates an event to be added in the Event Viewer of Messenger Plus!.
RemoveFormatCodes Removes Messenger Plus! Live formatting attributes from a string.
AddTimer Creates a new timer event for your script.
CancelTimer Cancels a timer event.
DisplayToast Displays a toast with the specified message.
DisplayToastContact Displays a toast with the specified contact's name and message.
CreateWnd Creates a new window based on an Interface XML file.
CreateChildWnd Creates a child window for an existing interface window.
PlaySound Plays a sound asynchronously.
DownloadFile Downloads a file asynchronously.
LoadScriptFile Loads additional JScript code in your script.
UploadFileFTP Uploads a file asynchronously to a FTP server.
ExtractFromZIP Extracts files from a ZIP archive.


Name Description
Version Current version of Messenger Plus! Live.
VersionBuild Build number of Messenger Plus! Live.
ScriptRegPath Full registry path to the current script's settings.
ScriptFilesPath Full path to the current script's files.
MessengerIsLocked Specifies if the Lock Messenger feature is currently active.
UILangCode Language used in the Messenger Plus! user interface.