Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The MsgPlus::Version property returns the current version of Messenger Plus! Live.


This is a read-only property.
[version] Version;

Data Type

A floating point number representing the major and minor version part of the version string. Example: 4.00.


Because of the way floating point values are stored in memory, you should never check for equality and use ranges instead. For example, "if(MsgPlus.Version == 4.10)" should be replaced by "if(MsgPlus.Version >= 4.10)" as the exact value of the version as returned by this property may differ a bit (always returning  slightly bigger numbers). For a more precise value, use VersionBuild.

Property Information

Object MsgPlus
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00

See Also

MsgPlus Object, VersionBuild.