Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The MsgPlus::PlaySound function plays a sound asynchronously. It can also be used to stop the current sound from playing.


[boolean] PlaySound(
    [string] SoundFile
    [number,optional] MaxPlayTime


[string] Path to the sound file to play. The path is relative to the script's directory by default, to override this behavior, prefix the path with "\". Example: "\C:\directory\sound.mp3". If this string is empty, the current sound playing is stopped and the function returns.
[number, optional] If specified, this parameter sets a maximum play time for the sound, in milliseconds. If the time specified is longer than the sound, the sound will be played to its end.

Return Value

A boolean value specifying if the sound started to play successfully (or if a sound was stopped when SoundFile is an empty string).

This function typically fails for the following reason:


If a sound that was started by this function is already playing, it is stopped before the new sound starts playing.

Here is a list of sound file types supported by Messenger Plus!. This support is possible thanks in part to the LibSndFile and Lame MP3 libraries:

Function Information

Object MsgPlus
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00

See Also

MsgPlus Object.