Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The MsgPlus::DisplayToast function displays a toast (popup window in the corner of the screen) with the specified message.


[boolean] DisplayToast(
    [string] Title,
    [string] Message,
    [string,optional] SoundFile,
    [string,optional] Callback,
    [var,optional] CallbackParam


[string] Title displayed on top of the toast. If an empty string is sent in this parameter, "Messenger Plus! Live" is used.
[string] Message displayed in the toast. Carriage returns can be used to force line breaks. A maximum of 4 lines can be displayed in the toast created by this function. Format codes are not parsed in this parameter and must be filtered out with RemoveFormatCodes.
[string,optional] Path to the sound file that will be played when the toast is shown on screen. The path is relative to the script's directory by default, to override this behavior, prefix the path with "\". Example: "\C:\directory\sound.mp3". If the parameter is missing or the string is empty, no sound is played.
[string,optional] Name of the function in your script that will be called if the toast is clicked by the user. If the parameter is missing or the string is empty, the toast won't be clickable. For more information, see ToastCallbackTemplate.
[var,optional] Parameter of variable type (can be a number, a string, an object, ...). This value will be sent as parameter of the function specified in Callback when the toast is clicked. It can be omitted if not needed.

Return Value

A boolean value specifying if the toast is going to be displayed.  The toast is not guaranteed to be displayed immediately when the function returns, if Windows Live Messenger is already displaying a toast, Messenger Plus! wait for its turn. Here is a list (not exhaustive) of possible reasons why this function may return false:


A variety of sound file types is supported by Messenger Plus!, for a complete list, see PlaySound. To display toasts supporting format codes, use DisplayToastContact.

Function Information

Object MsgPlus
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00

See Also

MsgPlus Object, DisplayToastContact, PlaySound, ToastCallbackTemplate.