Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The MsgPlus::CreateChildWnd function creates a child window for an existing interface window. It can be used to create wizards or any other kind of more complex windows.


[object] CreateChildWnd(
    [object] Parent,
    [string] XmlFile,
    [string] WindowId,
    [number] PosX,
    [number] PosY,
    [boolean,optional] Visible


[object] Existing PlusWnd object previously created with CreateWnd.
[string] Path to the Interface XML file. This is where the entire window is defined. The path is relative to the script's directory by default, to override this behavior, prefix the path with "\". Example: "\C:\directory\windows.xml".
[string] Unique identifier of the window to create. A window with the same identifier has to be found in the XML file for the function to succeed.
[number] Horizontal position of the child window in the parent, in pixels.
[number] Vertical position of the child window in the parent, in pixels.
[boolean,optional] Specifies if the window is to be shown automatically after creation (default) or not.

Return Value

A PlusWnd object that you can use to control every aspect of the new child window. If the window cannot be created, the return value is null.

This function typically fails for the following reason:


This function is to be used by advanced users, used to creating interface windows with CreateWnd.

Function Information

Object MsgPlus
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00

See Also

MsgPlus Object, CreateWnd.