Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The Messenger Plus! Live scripting system comes with over 100 functions and properties, all specifically designed for your Messenger needs. The functions and properties are organized into two kinds of objects: global objects and instantiated objects. Global Objects are available instantly from anywhere in your script, they act as name spaces for functions of general interest through out the scripts. Instantiated Objects are returned by some functions of the API or passed as parameter in events, they refer to a particular instance of an object in Messenger that can exist more than once.

Global Objects:

Name Description
Debug Used by script developers to help find potential problems in their scripts.
Messenger Gives access to various properties and functions of general internet in Messenger.
MsgPlus Gives access to various properties and functions related to Messenger Plus!.
Interop Allows developers to interact with outside libraries.

Instantiated Objects:

Name Description
ChatWnds Used to iterate a list of chat windows returned by a function of the API.
ChatWnd Represents a chat window in Messenger.
Contacts Used to iterate a list of contacts returned by a function of the API.
Contact Holds the properties associated with one contact.
PlusWnd Allows developers to control windows created with MsgPlus.Createwnd.
DataBloc Represents a memory block created by Interop.Allocate.
Emoticons Used to iterate a list of emoticons returned by a function of the API.
Emoticon Holds the properties associated with one custom emoticon.

Note: every function and properties of every object listed here is intended to be called from the main thread of the application. Functions and properties will fail or may create unexpected bugs if called from a different thread.