PlusWnd Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The PlusWnd object is associated to every window created with MsgPlus.CreateWnd or MsgPlus.CreateChildWnd. It allows developers to control the window itself and the controls is contains. Some helper functions are also available for quick access to common controls' properties.


Name Description
Close Destroys the window.
RegisterMessageNotification Hooks specific messages in the window.
GetControlHandle Returns the window's handle of any kind of control present in the window.
SendControlMessage Sends a raw message to a control in the window.
GetControlText Returns the text property of a variety of controls.
SetControlText Sets the text property of a variety of controls.
GetElementPos Gets the position of an element embedded in the window.
Button_IsChecked Returns the check state of a CheckBoxControl or a RadioControl.
Button_SetCheckState Sets the check state of a CheckBoxControl or a RadioControl.
Button_SetElementText Sets the text of a sub-element defined in a control.
Combo_AddItem Adds an item in a ComboBoxControl.
Combo_RemoveItem Removes an item from a ComboBoxControl.
Combo_GetCurSel Current selection in a ComboBoxControl.
Combo_SetCurSel Changes the selection in a ComboBoxControl.
Combo_GetItemData Data number associated with an item of a ComboBoxControl.
Combo_GetCount Count of items in a ComboBoxControl.
LstBox_AddItem Adds an item in a ListBoxControl.
LstBox_GetItemText Returns the item's label of a ListBoxControl.
LstBox_RemoveItem Removes an item from a ListBoxControl.
LstBox_GetCurSel Returns the current selection in a ListBoxControl.
LstBox_SetCurSel Changes the selection in a ListBoxControl.
LstBox_GetItemData Returns the data number associated with an item of a ListBoxControl.
LstBox_GetCount Returns the count of items in a ListBoxControl.
LstView_AddItem Adds an item in a ListViewControl.
LstView_SetItemText Sets one of the labels of a ListViewControl item.
LstView_GetItemText Returns one of the labels associated with a ListViewControl item.
LstView_RemoveItem Removes an item from a ListViewControl.
LstView_GetItemData Returns the data number associated with an item of a ListViewControl.
LstView_GetCount Returns the count of items in a ListViewControl.
LstView_GetSelectedState Returns the selection state of an item in a ListViewControl.
LstView_SetSelectedState Selects or unselects an item in a ListViewControl.
LstView_GetCheckedState Returns the checked state of an item in a ListViewControl.
LstView_SetCheckedState Checks or unchecks an item in a ListViewControl.
LstView_SetItemIcon Sets the icon displayed with an item in a ListViewControl.
ImageElmt_SetImageFile Sets the image file to be displayed by an ImageElement.
EditBox_SetCurSel Sets the current selection of an EditControl or a RichEditControl.
EditBox_ReplaceSel Replaces the text selected in an EditControl or a RichEditControl.
EditBox_GetCurSelStart Returns the first selected character of an EditControl or a RichEditControl.
EditBox_GetCurSelEnd Returns the last selected character of an EditControl or a RichEditControl.
RichEdit_GetTextRange Returns a portion of text from a RichEditControl.
RichEdit_SetCharFormat Sets the formatting attributes of the characters in a RichEditControl.
Browser_GetInterface Get the InternetExplorer object associated with a BrowserControl.


Name Description
WindowId Unique identifier of the window.
Handle Handle of the window controlled by this object
Visible Controls whether the window is visible on screen or not.
BaseColor Changes the base color displayed in the window.