Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The Messenger object is a global object that gives access to various properties and functions of general internet in Messenger. The properties of the current Messenger user can also be accessed through this object.


Name Description
AutoSignin Automatically signs-in the current user on Messenger.
Signout Signs out the current user from the Messenger service.
OpenChat Opens a chat window with the specified contact.


Name Description
Version Current version of the Windows Live Messenger client.
VersionBuild Build number of the Windows Live Messenger client.
MyEmail Sign-in email address of the current user.
MyUserId Messenger User ID of the current user.
ReceiveFileDir Directory where files received by file transfer are stored.
MyStatus Status of the current user.
MyName Name of the current user.
MyPersonalMessage Personal message of the current user.
MyCurrentMedia Current "media" associated with the the current user.
MyDisplayPicture Path to the current display picture file used by the current user.
MyContacts List of all the contacts present in the current user's contact list.
CurrentChats List of chat windows currently opened.
ContactListWndHandle Window's handle of the contact list window.
CustomEmoticons List of all the custom emoticons associated with the current user's account.