Microblog – 12/24/2019
Posted in Microblog Archive December 24th, 2019 by dotcomboom

12/24/2019; Tuesday, 10:17 PM

Merry Christmas Eve everyone. Some real good stuff™‘s coming next year that I’m excited about, and in about a week I’ll have milk from last decade. Nice. I’m hoping everyone’s been having a pleasant time this season.

A day or two ago, I set up my Flickr account, another place where I’ll keep and share my photography. The backlog’s there, with some tagging and stuff, so check it out and give me a follow perhaps. One of my pictures from Wisconsin blew up (at least to my standards) for being my submission to Flickr’s Your Best Shot in 2019 group, so that’s cool. It was a tricky pick, to be honest, but you don’t get to go to a place like Cave Point every day.

Oh yeah and I beat my webmaster at SNES Ghost Valley 2 today so 

(It’s privated now, but come midnight this embed’s going to turn into the Uno soundtrack automagically! Isn’t technology wonderful?)

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