Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The PlusWnd::LstView_SetItemIcon function sets the icon displayed with an item in a ListViewControl.


    [string] ControlId,
    [number] ItemIdx,
    [string] ImageId,
    [boolean] SmallIconsList


[string] Unique identifier of the control.
[number] Index of the item which icon will be set.
[string] Identifier of the image to associate with the item. See remarks.
[boolean] True if the image is in the "SmallIcons" list, false if the image is in the "LargeIcons" list. see remarks.

Return Value

No value is returned by this function.

This function typically fails for the following reason:


To associate an icon with an item, the image must be specified in the List View properties in the XML file. This can be done in the "Images\LargeIcons" element or the "Image\SmallIcons" element. For the Report View mode, images must be specified in the "SmallIcons" list. The height of the first image in the list defines the height of every item in the list. Also, remember that the ImageId parameter is the Id attribute specified with the image and not the image's name (its file name).

Function Information

Object PlusWnd
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00

See Also

PlusWnd Object.