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day to day | nov 2022

nov 28 22 | djungelskog

he's probably a knockoff but I don't care

nov 19 22 | anhedonia

...or we could go back to bed.

nov 06 22 | something new

When it comes to working on anything, I’ve got two settings: blitzing through it or moving at a glacial pace. Glad to see learning HTML’s been the former!

(So far.)

Anyways, first post here. Welcome! This is the first site I’ve ever built from scratch, so I bet it’s a disaster if you peek at the page source.

Anyways, first post here. Welcome! This is the first site I’ve ever built from scratch, so I bet it’s a disaster if you peek at the page source.

I’m hoping this is something I stick to. I mention it up top, but this section of the site will be reserved for biographical comics, short bits of creative writing, and journal entries like this one. Basically, whatever I feel deserves a spot here.

I also have low standards and a massive ego, so I’ll probably feel like it all deserves a spot here.

Anyways, that’s it for now. I mostly just needed some content to fill this page in, honestly. But hey, while you’re here, why not check out my work at the galleries?

raccoon girl in office clothes stealing snacks and a sheep girl drinking coffee