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I’m fivewholeducks/fiveducks/Savannah, 23-year-old Canadian writer, artist, clown woman, and amateur web dev.

I’ve got a tendency to work on things to take a break from working on things. You’ll probably find me doodling animal people or vampires, and I’m currently putting together a dark comedy (dramedy?) urban fantasy webcomic called Wisp.

Off the self-imposed clock, though, I like roguelikes and 3D platformers.

This site’s mostly about things I make, but you can read more about the funky dudes on this site plus my friends below.


strawberry milk (raccoon)

Berry! My first and main sona, I like to think she's a sign that I'm finally pinning down my identity. You’ll see her all over this site.

She's a representation of myself from my own biased perspective. Loud, sloppy, and socially stunted (but in a funny way), Berry's the way I feel coming out of my basement apartment and trying to fit into my new tidy suburban(ish) neighbourhood and my stale office job.

A lot of Berry is poking fun at myself for how I feel I present. You know, like a raccoon in a pantsuit rolling into the office kitchen to stuff free snacks in her pockets, then rolling out before anyone can talk to her (or, god forbid, make eye contact with her).

If you’re wondering why I named her Strawberry Milk, that’s… something I also wonder. I just like pink and associated that with strawberry milk while drawing her, which I mostly think looks tasty because I have an overwhelming craving for Pepto Bismol.

raccoon girl in a strawberry sweater
sheep girl in a wool sweater

cotton candy (sheep)

If Berry’s how I feel I present to people, Cotton’s probably a more accurate portrayal. People-pleasing, meek, and one might even say… sheepish. She’s a lot newer than Berry (Berry having been made in July 2022 and Cotton in early November), so I think I’ve still got to grow into her a bit.

She’s also a way more self-indulgent sona than Berry—I am nowhere near as cute as this little pink lamb.

strawberry milk (raccoon)

raccoon girl in a strawberry sweater

Berry! My first and main sona, I like to think she's a sign that I'm finally pinning down my identity. You’ll see her all over this site.

She's a representation of myself from my own biased perspective. Loud, sloppy, and socially stunted (but in a funny way), Berry's the way I feel coming out of my basement apartment and trying to fit into my new tidy suburban(ish) neighbourhood and my stale office job.

A lot of Berry is poking fun at myself for how I feel I present. You know, like a raccoon in a pantsuit rolling into the office kitchen to stuff free snacks in her pockets, then rolling out before anyone can talk to her (or, god forbid, make eye contact with her).

If you’re wondering why I named her Strawberry Milk, that’s… something I also wonder. I just like pink and associated that with strawberry milk while drawing her, which I mostly think looks tasty because I have an overwhelming craving for Pepto Bismol.

cotton candy (sheep)

sheep girl in a wool sweater

If Berry’s how I feel I present to people, Cotton’s probably a more accurate portrayal. Anxious, meek, and one might even say… sheepish. She’s a lot newer than Berry (Berry having been made in July 2022 and Cotton in early November), so I think I’ve still got to grow into her a bit.

She’s also a way more self-indulgent sona than Berry—I am nowhere near as cute as this little pink lamb.


Other places you can find me.


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a raccoon girl in a hoodie and a sheep girl in a wool knit sweater