Microblog – 11/23/2019
Posted in Microblog Archive November 23rd, 2019 by dotcomboom

11/23/2019; Saturday, 7:52 PM

The robotics qualifier went great! We were placed at 15th out of 28.

We had five matches: first match, we lost time by a failing USB extension cable to the controllers, but did end up tying. The match I drove in, the awe of the autonomous parking perfectly (the only thing autonomous does right now, netting us 5 points in the match) made me lose a few seconds when it was actually time for the driver-controlled period. I still need practice actually driving, since I’m mainly on the software end.

I joke about our team being 15th place, but considering that it’s the first qualifier and our autonomous wasn’t even functional going into it, it’s pretty dang good even just to be average. Seems like a stretch to say but there might still be a chance we might get to state!

Was pretty cut off during the time, since the school that hosted the competition had a guest network which blocked Discord and even XMPP for some reason. Even Hotspot Shield, what I use sometimes to get around this stuff didn’t work. Was odd and I’m just glad I my school’s filter isn’t that strict. I did catch at least the very tailend of mariteaux’s stream, fortunately.

ALSO: By the time you read this I likely will have uploaded all of the Astraware and PopCap titles to w2krepo in its own folder. If you have a Palm or Pocket PC, you’re free to download and enjoy. Very certain they’re demos. The ones I’ve tried aren’t compatible with Mobile 6.0 Standard, unfortunately, but if you’ve got a touchscreen device try em out. There also happen to be a couple PC trials, so do get your 10 plays of Bookworm Deluxe worth.

Family streaming through the door
An empty parking lot at four
In a hammock chasing jets
Finding extra time to dub cassettes

Vansire – Postal Codes

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