11/22/2019; Friday, 7:46 PM
Happy weekend, fellas. Past week could probably be best described as reflective. The finals-bug isn’t biting me quite yet, still have a week or two before I’ll start worrying about that, but otherwise school does tend to leave a bite. Focusing more is something I’m still working on (evident by the Algebra 2 assignment I still need to finish to the right of me). I did fiddle with this thing called Notion a bit which is kinda like OneNote on steroids, and that’s what I’ll be using to plan assignments out. Works well, but I still get funny looks from time to time for using it.
I did learn some neat things about Vansire this week: their name actually came from an RNG that spat out an obscure name for a type of mongoose.

Speaking of Josh Augustin, one of the duo, I’ve discovered he does some of his own stuff too. Some beats, some vibes. It’s pretty good. Four Portraits, Force Majeure, and Josh’s cover of Susie May (embedded) have been frequent listens as of late. Been poking at the idea of grabbing some albums on CD or cassette, since Spotify ads are distracting and kinda creepy and the artists and bands I listen to absolutely deserve more than what they get from streams.
After a code sprint last weekend and some work in-between, AutoSite (formerly AutoSite XL) 1.0 RC1 is nearing closer and closer to being ready. Know that likely its release will be through Github, and I’ll post here when it’s ready. When 1.0 does eventually go gold (frankly, could be in 1998+2), it’ll end up on this site with hopefully a much more fleshed out page. As for what’ll happen to the original Python 3 AutoSite, I’ve renamed its repo to AutoSite-Legacy. If you want to keep track of my progress, here’s your place. (Or check back here!) Remind me to add some easter eggs.
I’ve still been taking my Motorola Q9h around as a digital detox. Sometimes I miss the ability to pull out my phone and talk a bit on Discord still (some days, I do use my Android just for that, but the past couple days, I haven’t been carrying either around), but I generally use my laptop for that anyway. The new Moto Razr was officially announced earlier in the week, and while all I could stare at was the price tag (I remember making fun of the iPhone X being $1000, but this is ridiculous), thinking about it a little more I’d kinda dig it if it wasn’t $1500. Here’s for waiting on AliExpress to catch up.
I did do recent site updates last week, and I still have some Astraware stuff to upload to w2krepo. I should mention that if anyone has especially Windows Mobile and Pocket PC software send me an email and I can get it in, maybe use it for myself. Software’s getting really hard to find for especially non-touchscreen devices. Additionally, I did do a photography walk maybe a month ago(?) and I’ve recently remembered that I do have some stuff yet to cherry-pick and upload. Will be uploaded in time.
Tomorrow’s an FTC qualifier my school robotics team is going to. Our robot’s a rectangular (with corners cut off) wooden thing with omniwheels on each corner. Teleop seems to be working great outside of not having limits on how high the linear slide can go or how far open the grabber can go. Autonomous is going forward for a second. I think, haven’t been able to test it. Wish us luck, we’ll need it. :blobokhand:
Also tomorrow: mariteaux‘s going to stream, so catch that if you can. I hear he’s digging through Steam for something…
In other bulb happenings: the switch of the group blog to WordPress is gonna become a thing, so here’s looking forward to that. Nucleus was– is, a neat setup, but things such as botted comments, odd previews and other quirks have made another option more appealing. mari’s also been using it for his project on the band Failure, Otherwhere, adding to the appeal. Before then, a recap is due soon and we’ve all been getting stuff prepared for the anniversary of the group’s first official year online come December.
Not everything I throw up here’s going to be this long of a ramble, but that’s what’s been going on and what’s coming.
Life’s a force majeure
Vansire – Force Majeure
When you feel unsure
Of the path you’ll take