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Our site network features banner ads for various indie and old-school websites, plus some more joking ones of our creation. These ads are tiny little GIFs (468x60, like God intended) and have absolutely no mechanism by which to track you, so no worries about that. If you don't see them, or only this one loads, you probably have an adblocker or JavaScript disabled. Advertising with SomnolescentIf you'd like this coveted adspace for yourself, send a 468x60 GIF and the URL for which it to correspond to webmaster@somnolescent.net. At some point, we'll put it into rotation at our discretion (so no, don't send us vaporwave bullshit or eyestrain, it's not going up). Good ads or ads for neat old websites get extra points, so be creative. Embedding our ads on your own siteThe nice thing about the ad script is that, pending mixed content blocks our overlords at Google implemented to "keep us safe", it's domain-agnostic. You can have a nice, rotating supply of neat, bizarre banner ads for your own site using only a bit of drop-in HTML, and if we update the script, your ads will update too. Here's the quick start guide: 1. Download the placeholder and stuff it somewhereHere's the placeholder. We usually have an 2. Drop the ad markup where you want it on the page<div class="ad_container"> <a href="http://somnolescent.net/" name="adLink1"><img src="/web/somnol_v3/images/adblank.gif" alt="Advertisement" name="ad1"></a><br> <small><a href="http://somnolescent.net/advertising/">Want your ad here?</a></small> </div> Drop this into your page exactly like you would an image or an audio embed or what have you. (Change the image source if you put that placeholder somewhere else in your files.) The ad won't be styled—you'll have to style it yourself so it matches with your site! 3. Embed the script at the end of the