Patio spring cleaning
Posted in Site Updates April 3rd, 2020 by dotcomboom

Did some spring cleaning on the blog, including an upgrade to WordPress 5.4 (featuring a bunch of Gutenberg improvements, bless them), getting rid of some unused themes and a new URL: /web/dcb_v4/patio, as you may have noticed. If you linked to /blog beforehand, no worries as I’ve put a simple redirect in my .htaccess file.

Redirect 301 /blog /patio

Just know that this URL will be used for the foreseeable future, and updating links could be a good idea if I accidentally wipe .htaccess or something.

w2krepo, now on a new subdomain!
Posted in Site Updates, w2krepo February 8th, 2020 by dotcomboom

Since its inception, w2krepo had lived on my personal domain. I’m excited to announce that it now resides at

Moving the files was fairly painless, as the subdomain had been set up under my current FTP account. What was next was redirecting the old URLs to match the new domain, also fairly simple when you get down to it: just this .htaccess file in the w2krepo folder:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

That left one thing: trying to get my root directory on the subdomain to display the builtin Apache directory listing was a bit problematic, so I settled on using a basic PHP script scraped from what I could find online:

$fileList = glob('*');
foreach($fileList as $filename){
        echo '<a href="', $filename, '/">', $filename, '</a><br>'; 
echo '<br>';
$fileList = glob('*.7z');
foreach($fileList as $filename){
        echo '<a href="', $filename, '">', $filename, '</a><br>'; 

It’ll work as a root for now, and I intend on messing more with .htaccess to get the subdirectories’ listings all prettied up as well.

For the future, I intend to get some sort of system up for user submissions, whether that be by anonymous FTP or an upload form, as well as some more information on the indexes and homepage.