
It's my little corner of the net where I like to dump things I've made over the years. A lot of stuff will appear here, so take a look trough pages. More regular updates on blog and more on main about page.


20:12:20 Completely new layout for new year, update about this up too.

14:11:20 Tempomary html blog is up, some things will be moved into main WP blog in the future.

12:10:20 Gallery split into separate pages, added some new and older artwork.

05:09:20 New layout done.

>> January 2021 graphics
Playing around
>> A Update, 20th December 2020
Ramble about new layout.
>> Trace it
Experiments with graphics again
>> Post office
A post about my process on my most recent finished art piece, featuring lovely borb's lads.
>> Listening now
New series of posts, usually published every month with my favourite tunes I listened that month.
>> January - September 2020 and archive of 2017 - 2019 works
Finally up after long overdue, featuring some drawings from this and earlier years.
>> Recent Drawings
Some recent drawings from this month
>> N-gen Machine
Some writing about early generative design software, N-gen Machine
>> Randomness // 02:09:20
Random works found in various places around my computer, unfinished experiments
>> August 2020
All works from last month
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