Posted in LiveJournal 2021 Archive August 25th, 2021 by dotcomboom

The summer work is the finished. The fall work begin is the tomorrow. Now I am become sleepy, the goer to bed, father of the pjs after drinking chocolate banana smoothie

Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: Supertramp – “School”

Semagic test post
Posted in LiveJournal 2021 Archive August 24th, 2021 by dotcomboom


Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: The music they’re playing on the radio in this room I am in

Kevin etc
Posted in LiveJournal 2021 Archive August 23rd, 2021 by dotcomboom

Little doodle sketch thing of everyone’s favorite aardwolf, Kevin! It is Pennyverse month after all, so it only felt right to give drawing him a shot. This was last week so some of you’ll remember this =P but I hadn’t put it anywhere else yet. Here’ll do, maybe it’ll show up on my art page because I tend to put sketches there.

Life update: school’s starting the day after tomorrow. Meaning my summer work is due! So honestly that’ll be a relief.

Also I’m trying LJ some more. Only gonna make it official if I end up using it. So expect really dumb short posts if I make it work! Its mobile editor is kinda funny.

Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: U2 – That album apple made everyone listen to

Posted in LiveJournal 2021 Archive August 17th, 2021 by dotcomboom

How do i use this

Current Mood: curious
Current Music: BJ Thomas – Raindrops Keep Falling.mid