Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The Messenger::MyDisplayPicture property returns the path to the display picture file used by the current Messenger user. It can also be used to change the display picture of the current user based on an existing file.


This is a read/write property.
[string] MyDisplayPicture;

Data Type

A string containing the full path to the display picture, if any. If no display picture is currently associated to the current user, the property returns an empty string. Display pictures are usually PNG files but not assumption should be made regarding their format. When setting a new display picture, JPG, GIF, BMP and PNG files can be used.

Messenger Plus! Live 4.60 and above: you can set this property to an empty string to remove the current display picture of the user.

This property typically fails for the following reason:


The file path returned by this function is temporary, must not be stored for future use and must not be locked. If the file needs to be accessed after the current script's function returns (to be displayed in an interface window for example), it must be copied to a safe location. Dynamic pictures accessed through this property return a static, non animated image.

When a new display picture is set, the file is resized, converted to the proper format and saved in the Messenger's cache directory. Messenger doesn't keep a reference to the original file used to create the picture.

Property Information

Object Messenger
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00

See Also

Messenger Object.