Depending on what your script is doing, user input may be required at some point. For that reason, a very special feature was added to the Messenger Plus! Live scripting system called Interface Windows. If you take a look at the various windows of Messenger Plus! Live itself, you'll notice that they tend to blend nicely into Windows Live Messenger, have similar looking controls, use the same background color etc... a brand new User Interface system was created during the conception of Messenger Plus! Live to achieve what you can see in the software, one that's not based on resource files but specially crafted XML files.
The user interface system mentioned above can be accessed through scripting so your scripts can painlessly benefit from the whole interface engine. However, to use the system, you will need to get used to the way XML interface files are constructed and this may require a little bit of time. Interface files are not particularly complicated to understand, however, they contain a lot of different kinds of elements and attributes, some of them may not even be of any use to your scripts. The end result will be worth the trouble though as you won't need to create external DLLs to display your windows and you'll benefit from the current look of Windows Live Messenger as well as possible future updates. Your script will be guaranteed to appear just like any other Messenger Plus! window.
Interface Windows are created and displayed with a single call to MsgPlus.CreateWnd. The only parameters required for this function to succeed are the name of your XML interface file and the identifier of the window you want to create (each interface file can define more than one window). To demonstrate the feature, here is the XML definition of a simple window displaying "Hello World!". For now, don't try to understand the content of the text, just copy paste it to a plain text file called "InterfaceTest.xml" and save it in your script's directory.
<Interfaces xmlns:xsi="">
<Window Id="WndTest" Version="1">
<Caption>Test Window</Caption> </Attributes>
<TitleBar> <Title><Text>Hello!</Text></Title> </TitleBar>
<Position ClientWidth="170" ClientHeight="45"/> <DialogTmpl/>
<Controls> <Control xsi:type="StaticControl" Id="LblTop"> <Position Left="10" Top="10" Width="150"/> <Caption>Hello world!</Caption> </Control>
<Control xsi:type="ButtonControl" Id="BtnClose"> <Position Left="115" Top="25" Width="50"/>
<Caption>Close</Caption> </Control> </Controls> </Window>
Now, create a new script called "Window Test" and replace the Initialize event by the following code:
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart) { var Wnd = MsgPlus.CreateWnd("InterfaceTest.xml", "WndTest"); }
Save the script. If you did alright, you'll see a window titled "Test Window" in your task bar (it may have been displayed below the script editor). This window's title show "Window Test - Hello!", with a "Hello world!" message and a "Close" button. Note that because every window created by Messenger Plus! is modeless, your script continues to run as soon as the window gets created. Now let's take a closer look to the XML file.
First, a <Window> element is declared with two attributes: Id (used in your call to MsgPlus.CreateWnd to identify which window to show) and Version (just set it to "1" for now, this parameter will be used by future versions of Messenger Plus!). Inside the <Window> element are a couple of interesting sub elements:
Let's take a look at the controls defined in this window:
Now, you may be wondering "how am I supposed to know and remember all these elements and attributes names?"... the good news is that you don't have to, as long as you're using a good XML editor such as XMLSpy from Altova. Every XML file can be paired with its corresponding schema file which defines every possible element and attribute that can be inserted in the XML. Schema files also come with various comments to help you understand the purpose of some elements and attributes, when deemed necessary. In the case of XMLSpy, the editor also provides contextual help so you'll get lists of choices while you type your XML. These are all good reasons NOT to code your windows inside notepad so please, do yourself a favor and use a specialized XML editor to do the job :). The Interface Windows schema file and its documentation can be found in the schema reference section of this documentation.
Of course, the windows would be useless if you had no way to hear back from them. A special set of events was created for that occasion prefixed "OnWindowidEvent_". Notice how "WindowId" is written in italic: to avoid mixing the events coming from different windows, Messenger Plus! fires events named after the corresponding window's Id. In the case of our test window, all events will be prefixed "OnWndTestEvent_". A list of available events can be found in the events' reference but let's test this simply with a common purpose event: "CtrlClicked". This event is fired every time a control such as a button is clicked. You may already have noticed that clicking on "Close" in the test window currently does nothing, that's because the current code does not catch the "clicked" event for the button. Let's fix this by adding the following function at the end of the script:
OnWndTestEvent_CtrlClicked(Wnd, ControlId) { if(ControlId == "BtnClose") Wnd.Close(1); }function
The first parameter of the event is a PlusWnd object (the object representing your window) and the second one is the Id of the control that fired the clicked event. The function above checks if the event comes from the "Close" button (which has an Id equal to "BtnClose") and if so, calls the Close function of the PlusWnd object. The numeric parameter sent in Close is of no consequence and is just passed to the Destroyed event in case you would want to handle different types of close scenarios.
You can now experiment working with different kinds of controls and calling various functions from the PlusWnd object. A lot of possibilities are offered by this system and it is now up to you to discover them. Because this subject is an important and complex one, you should not hesitate to seek help in the official Messenger Plus! forum. Remember to spend time in the Interface Windows Reference too and practice! And finally, a special tool is also available to help you test your windows out of the Messenger environment, for more information, check out Testing your Windows.
Testing your Windows, Interface Windows Reference, PlusWnd Object, Interface Windows Events Reference.