Colton's Adventure

Seeing an opening in a side street towards the woods, you take off. The alleyways in Apricot Bay sure are nicer than the ones in The City, but—you know, that's probably not relevant at the moment. You don't look back, not even when you pass the thick mess of trees and ferns signaling the forest.

At some point, though, you have to stop. Your tiny lungs can't hold enough air to keep you going, and you're already exhausted and achy. You decide to seek shelter for the night, and the nearby mouth of a cave seems safe and dark enough. With your night vision, you notice it goes a whole lot deeper than you might expect. You curl up against the mouth of the cave and nap for a couple hours or so; by the time you wake up, feeling a little better than before, it's morning again.

No better time than now to feed your curiosity.

> Head deeper.