Microblog – 1/22/2020
Posted in Microblog Archive January 22nd, 2020 by dotcomboom

1/22/2020; Wednesday, 2:49 PM

Hey, hi. Been a little while.

I have now churned out some of the first major updates for the year, including a brand new about page and an index update. As well as that, I put out the first of hopefully many more posts on the Somnolescent blog. I’ve been kicking around some ideas for bringing back Discount Store Tech Reviews from the early days, but it’s all TBD.

I got into an alt rock indie band called Shaimus recently, known for a couple tracks in the Rock Band and Guitar Hero games (two series I have not yet gotten into; to this point I’ve only played DDR) and this masterpiece of a video. I never considered myself a rock guy but it’s genuinely banging, boppy and sometimes airy stuff; highly recommended. In fact, I’d suggest listening to all three of their albums. They’re excellent. I’ll be writing an excerpt on Like a Fool for a Somnol post coming up very soon.

Alongside that I’ve been digging deeper into C418’s work the past couple of days, namely his 2013 album One. If you’re familiar with the Minecraft soundtrack do check his other stuff out, it’s good. While I’m talking about music, there’s a section for that on said about page, so check that out :^)

I’ve been keeping myself busy with schoolwork and sessions of Animal Crossing: New Leaf with the gang in between. I’m not expecting to be crazy active development-wise but I’ll be getting up to speed on something soon enough, I’m sure. I’ve also been thinking of fleshing the microblog out so it isn’t a whole ton of stuff on one single page, with the embeds, images and all that; perhaps split up by month. Expect something along the lines of that soon.

You felt something alone
You keep to your own
We’ll never know will we dear?

Steps you took from the start
To be where you are
But I don’t know where you’ve gone
And like a fool I look around
For the answer with my head in my hands
So I have to close my eyes

To all but my own world because
The more I find, the more I realize I am,
Just a rebel and a fool

Shaimus – Just a Fool

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