You can copy paste any of the following examples to a new xml file (a text file with an ".xml" extension). Remember to copy the schema file in the same directory to get your file validated.
Simple ScriptInfo file used to create a Script Pack:
<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:scripts" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:scripts PlusScripts.xsd"> <Information> <Name>Test Script</Name> <Description>This script is an example from the documentation.</Description> <AboutUrl></AboutUrl> <Version>1.00</Version> </Information> </ScriptInfo>
ScriptInfo file used to create a Script Pack. During import, the "ExtraFuncVB6.dll" ActiveX will be registered with regsvr32. The "ExtraFuncCSharp.dll" .NET Object will be registered for COM Interop with regasm.
<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:scripts" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:scripts PlusScripts.xsd"> <Information> <Name>Test Script</Name> <Description>This script is an example from the documentation.</Description> </Information> <OleFiles> <FileName>ExtraFuncVB6.dll</FileName> </OleFiles> <DotNetFiles> <FileName>ExtraFuncCSharp.dll</FileName> </DotNetFiles> </ScriptInfo>
This ScriptInfo file defines a menu that will be displayed when the user clicks on the Plus!/Scripts icon in the contact list or in a chat window.
<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:scripts" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:scripts PlusScripts.xsd"> <Information> <Name>Test Script</Name> </Information> <ScriptMenu> <MenuEntry Id="MnuFeat1">Feature 1</MenuEntry> <MenuEntry Id="MnuFeat2">Feature 2</MenuEntry> <SubMenu Label="Advanced"> <MenuEntry Id="MnuAdvFeat1">Advanced Feature 1</MenuEntry> <MenuEntry Id="MnuAdvFeat2">Advanced Feature 2</MenuEntry> </SubMenu> <Separator/> <MenuEntry Id="MnuAbout">About...</MenuEntry> </ScriptMenu> </ScriptInfo>
This ScriptInfo file defines a list commands displayed in the Command Browser window (when the user types "/" in a chat window).
<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:scripts" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:scripts PlusScripts.xsd"> <Information> <Name>Test Script</Name> </Information> <ScriptCommands> <Command> <Name>beep</Name> <Description>Play a beep sound</Description> </Command> <Command> <Name>flash</Name> <Description>Flashes the window</Description> <Parameters><flash count></Parameters> </Command> </ScriptCommands> </ScriptInfo>