Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

You can copy paste any of the following examples to a new xml file (a text file with an ".xml" extension). Remember to copy the schema file in the same directory to get your file validated.

Example 1

Simple ScriptInfo file used to create a Script Pack:

<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:scripts" xmlns:xsi=""
 xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:scripts PlusScripts.xsd">

		<Name>Test Script</Name>
		<Description>This script is an example from the documentation.</Description>


Example 2

ScriptInfo file used to create a Script Pack. During import, the "ExtraFuncVB6.dll" ActiveX will be registered with regsvr32. The "ExtraFuncCSharp.dll" .NET Object will be registered for COM Interop with regasm.

<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:scripts" xmlns:xsi=""
 xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:scripts PlusScripts.xsd">

		<Name>Test Script</Name>
		<Description>This script is an example from the documentation.</Description>



Example 3

This ScriptInfo file defines a menu that will be displayed when the user clicks on the Plus!/Scripts icon in the contact list or in a chat window.

<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:scripts" xmlns:xsi=""
 xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:scripts PlusScripts.xsd">

		<Name>Test Script</Name>

		<MenuEntry Id="MnuFeat1">Feature 1</MenuEntry>
		<MenuEntry Id="MnuFeat2">Feature 2</MenuEntry>

		<SubMenu 	Label="Advanced">
			<MenuEntry Id="MnuAdvFeat1">Advanced Feature 1</MenuEntry>
			<MenuEntry Id="MnuAdvFeat2">Advanced Feature 2</MenuEntry>
		<MenuEntry Id="MnuAbout">About...</MenuEntry>


Example 4

This ScriptInfo file defines a list commands displayed in the Command Browser window (when the user types "/" in a chat window).

<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:scripts" xmlns:xsi=""
 xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:scripts PlusScripts.xsd">

		<Name>Test Script</Name>
			<Description>Play 	a beep sound</Description>
			<Description>Flashes the window</Description>
			<Parameters>&lt;flash count&gt;</Parameters>


See Also

ScriptInfo File Information, Schema Documentation.