Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The OnGetScriptCommands event is fired when Messenger Plus! needs to display a list of commands supported by the script. Each command is defined with a name, an optional description and an optional set of parameters. This list is used for information only, commands have to be manually parsed by the script in OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage.


[string] OnGetScriptCommands(



Return Value

An XML data string defining the script's commands. If no commands are supported by the script, return an empty string. For more information about the way to define the command's data, see the ScriptInfo's schema documentation.


The script's commands can be defined statically in the ScriptInfo.xml file or returned by this function is the list can change at runtime. If a list of commands is returned by this handler, it gets priority over the list defined in ScriptInfo.xml.

The list of commands is used in windows such as the command browser. Command names must be defined without the beginning "/" character.


Event handler returning a simple list of commands for the script:

function OnGetScriptCommands()
	var ScriptCommands = "<ScriptCommands>";
	ScriptCommands    +=     "<Command>";
	ScriptCommands    +=         "<Name>beep</Name>";
	ScriptCommands    +=         "<Description>Play a beep sound</Description>";
	ScriptCommands    +=     "</Command>";
	ScriptCommands    +=     "<Command>";
	ScriptCommands    +=         "<Name>flash</Name>";
	ScriptCommands    +=         "<Description>Flashes the window</Description>";
	ScriptCommands    +=         "<Parameters>&lt;flash count&gt;</Parameters>";
	ScriptCommands    +=     "</Command>";
	ScriptCommands    += "</ScriptCommands>";

	return ScriptCommands;

Event Information

Event Source Messenger Plus!
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00

See Also

Messenger Plus! Events, ScriptInfo's schema documentation.