Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The OnEvent_DownloadFileComplete event is fired when a download operation previously initiated by MsgPlus::DownloadFile completes.


    [string] Url,
    [string] OutFile,
    [boolean] Success


[string] Address of the file that was downloaded, as specified in MsgPlus::DownloadFile.
[string] Full path to the file that was created to receive the downloaded data.
[boolean] Specifies if the download succeeded or not. The file specified in OutFile exists and contains downloaded data only if this parameter is true.

Return Value

No value has to be returned by this event.


In addition to standard access errors, the Success parameter will be false if Url pointed to an existing but empty file.

If the file downloaded had a temporary purpose (to check for updates for example), remember to delete it when you're done reading it.

Event Information

Event Source Messenger Plus!
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.20

See Also

Messenger Plus! Events, MsgPlus::DownloadFile.