Messenger Plus! Live - Scripting Documentation

The ChatWnd::SendMessage function sends a message to the contacts currently present in the chat window.


[boolean] SendMessage(
    [string] Message


[string] Text message to be sent. The message is parsed for commands and tags like any other message sent by the user.

Return Value

If the message is sent successfully, the return value is true, else, the return value is false.

This function typically fails for the following reason:


If the text being set is longer than the maximum allowed (typically 1100 characters), it is truncated. If the typing area already contains text when this function is called, it is saved before the message is sent and automatically restored after that. The EditChangeAllowed property should be checked before this function is called.

Messenger Plus! Live 4.81 and above: if Message is empty, Messenger Plus! sends the text currently present in the text area of the chat window.

Function Information

Object ChatWnd
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00

See Also

ChatWnd Object, EditChangeAllowed, EditText.