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new and updated / as of 17:01:02
17:01:22 v5 is real, I suppose. Finally replaced art page which was last to go and decided to re-make it without bringing old content, purely making it new stuff which is just less of hassle. Keeping with layout from both about and links, put some random photo I took (though edited and no free scanlines, loving broken CCDs because of this) to keep space less empty. Two pages are up, collection of previous headers and some random photos from past month. Old art is still at same place, most current one is just v4 on my archive subdomain. Junk page was made less sad and empty looking, took over theme from other sections from my site. 16:01:22 found a while to slightly clean up links page and from now, only redirect to archive will be old art gallery. Added some new sites, mainly made by cool people I found mainly on Neocities instead just have old sites and removed some dead links (RIP DnB mixtape site). I want to expand it in a while, but not yet. Speaking of NC, after almost 4 years since leaving it, I made a small site. Been thinking about this for a while before but a push for it was finding Caby's site on Neocities and it ended in creative burst and finishing a small site in 15 minutes I think. It possibly will be my web design playground, with all of experimental, clunky and weird stuff going on. Got a new small layout for it that will go up later today, it was fun to play around with sliced image layouts after a good while. Anyway, still figuring out things for new art gallery. Old art, uploaded here pre-December 2021 will stay in archive and guess it will be a push to fill this section here with nice graphics and finished illustrations, actually nice photos and maybe other stuff. I grown tired of old small thumbnail based pages and I think how to make them a bit different but not clunky. Moved all updated from past two weeks to archive. |
currently / as of 17:01:02