I've been playing with GarageBand ever since I got my first Mac, but in late 2015, I got bold enough to start trying to put my own songs together. I'm still definitely interested in music, but new work from me kinda ebbs and flows.

I have two different projects at current for two different approaches to making music:

  • aphrodisiac: My oldest project, and most of what you'll find below. Cheap MIDI keyboard, GarageBand as a sequencer, and a lot of bizarre samples. Very heavy, mangled, grindy computer rock with some light melodic and ambient passages to cool your ears.
  • Toxic Doom: Exploring the kinds of music you can make in various old games that feature remix modes and such, or outright creativity toys and sequencers released for consoles. Named for my FreQ in the PS2 game Amplitude, which features one such mode.
6 Mixes for No Cash
6 Mixes for No Cash

(December 2, 2021)
(EP, 6 tracks)
The Lost Sessions
The Lost Sessions

(August 23, 2021)
(EP, 6 tracks)
In Free Fall
In Free Fall

(April 1, 2019)
(LP, 8 tracks)
Various Murky Basements
Various Murky Basements

(May 22, 2016)
(EP, 6 tracks)