Custom Rhythm Game Discs | mariteaux |
Here at homeOther projectsOther SomnoliansLast modified: 11/30/2021 |
Because I'm usually modding PS2 games, the way we distribute those mods is through entirely new disc images, ready to burn and play in debug PS2s, modded PS2s, emulators, whatever you got. Is this legal? I dunno. But the games are all out of print now so who cares. My main series of custom discs is called marfGH, which are bite-sized chart samplers of either totally from scratch charts, ports from later Guitar Hero and Rock Band games, and recharts from less quality rhythm games or rhythm games that don't use five frets. These are usually themed in some capacity; I've got plans to do one for indie/unsigned bands and then another for all-new soundalike covers, just like the early GH games. Still, they take time, so I've only got one out so far. That's not the only kind of disc I've released, of course. Only counting the ones I've released myself (sorry Deluxe, sorry AddyGH—though you should 100% play those too!), have a small resume of them...