Thanks Jake
- Posted by mariteaux on March 25th, 2021 filed in Updates
A small post to break up the deluge of Guitar Hero stuff lately. I’m feeling good enough again lately to start digging into more music again, and my Spotify Premium expires in a week and change. Thus, I actually have a use for this weird Twitter-ish thing Jake’s been building:

It’s still pretty bare-bones (no follows, no notifications, though maybe that latter’s for the best…), just a little microblog thing. I actually kinda like the idea a lot. I was using Twitter and Tumblr back before the cancer metastasized, after all. I have zero clue if I’ll slashdot the site or something linking to it, but here’s my profile. You can join too if you want. Either way, more regular updates there as I work on stuff, listen to stuff, all that.
Jake does good work when he’s not shitposting like a little kid.
March 25th, 2021 at 4:29 pm
i’m at a loss for words. thank you so much
March 25th, 2021 at 5:46 pm
It’s a fun little thing. It’s kinda got the imood feel to it, just more in a general sense.
Of course, I also greatly appreciate having more sites to use in early IE too. It isn’t easy to get more offbeat than that.