After All the Change, Nothing Changed
- Posted by mariteaux on December 10th, 2020 filed in Updates
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How’s everyone’s December going? I intended to not do much of anything this month and just play some games and watch some stuff, but there’s still some minor little site tweaks and projects happening. I’m trying to keep the load light here before the avalanche of year recap stuff in two weeks.
- New error pages on the site, one for 403, one for 404, one for 410. Caby happened to doodle a frustrated, blushy Colton right as I was working on them, so I snapped him up as a graphic.
- offsite.somnol is now integrated with archives.somnol. If you don’t remember offsite, it was a subdomain meant to be hotlinked to from other sites so we didn’t accidentally delete the files out of confusion. Some of dcb’s former YouTube channel downloads are now proper hoards.
- I got nostalgic, so I went digging through some old DMs and an old real life friend server looking for art from my friend Savannah. She was Somnol’s resident foreign artist girl before Caby came about, and I lost my stash of her old stuff in the fusion drive crash. I found plenty more around, though, so I’m pleased. Some of this will be going on when I make lad pages for the Calelira and Pinede guys.
- I also found a ton of old WIP Quake screenshots, and I’d love to make a “maps from me you’ll never play” page with them. Was also happy to see some more glitchy VMB-era photos survive intact, some full-sized even.
- Need for Speed: Underground 2 is really pretty, nuts, and a lot of fun. If you like night driving, outdated slang, and the potential for head-on collisions with unsuspecting taxis, play it.
- Also watched GoldenEye, obviously thanks to the game, and it was a lot of fun. Really fun to compare it to the game, fun action of course, and it was a lot funnier than I was expecting. Natalya was the most interesting character in the whole movie, frankly. The Severnaya Incident scene? Could be a short film all on its own. Must watch more Bond.