The Kuras Evacuation
- Posted by mariteaux on August 15th, 2020 filed in Modding
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And that’s it. After seven very long weeks, the last three of which were spent in overdrive, Arrogant Erratum (now two levels, Arrogant and The Kuras Stronghold, and now renamed, I’ll get more into that) is finished. I finished up the arena ending yesterday and spent the rest of the day after Caby went to bed balancing and polishing for all three difficulties. Lots of funny little moving parts, but overall, I’m happy.
Pending playtesters, the stage is set on at least the id1 releases of both levels. The Blue versions are up to NewHouse, who’s still finishing up other levels in the pack. I’ll wait until I have a bit of feedback and some demos to release it, and that’ll probably be some time in September, regardless of what NewHouse does with the Blue versions.
Towards the end of construction, NewHouse suggested renaming both the levels to better fit Blue. I agreed. I don’t think I necessarily came up with bad names, just names that don’t fit the rest of the episode’s naming scheme. Plus, I kinda wanted to downplay the Kuras thing, even though that was the original intent of the level. It stands fine on its own without the aardwolf lore anyway.
Either way, Arrogant Erratum is now called The Dreamscape in Blue, and The Kuras Stronghold is now called A Rook’s Pawn. The id1 versions of the levels will retain their original name and lack whatever changes NewHouse makes to them, save for the ones I eventually reintroduce when I return to optimize the level in September. They’re balanced to my tastes right now, not to the episode’s specifications, so I expect him to buff things up pretty significantly.
Really though? I’m about done. I spent 5-6 hours straight last night just polishing and balancing it, watching as that moment of “I have nothing more to add to this” drew closer. My checklist in Trello got filled in. By the end of it all, it was 1:30 in the morning, and it felt damn good to get out of my chair for a bit and stand in my kitchen, drinking milk, staring at the clock, and letting my mind wander.
Needless to say, I’m taking a break. Eager to recharge and shift back into himbo mode, as Caby calls it. Back to my writing, back to our regularly scheduled programming. Back to the eMachines box.

I’m gonna go take a shower and rearrange my desk to better accommodate that monitor, speaking of.