A More Piecemeal Approach
- Posted by mariteaux on April 25th, 2020 filed in Technologizing
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Didn’t feel like doing much else today, so I updated Tesserae. It’s on “advanced text formatting” (starting to hate that phrase, I’ve typed it so many times today)–so blockquotes, dictionary lists, comments, and preformatted text, basically. This is roughly what the advanced HTML section is for: more abstract concepts and more specialized elements.
In particular, I’m glad definition lists are codified on Tesserae now. They’re horribly underutilized and I’m not sure why. For lists of links and comments, they’re a much cleaner way to do what a lot of people would use a table for. I use them in a few places on my own site, and especially on my outposts page.

Anyway, this is the first page under the new approach I’m taking with Tesserae, that being “new pages and updates whenever I damn well feel like it”. Maybe I should’ve started with a CSS page, but eh. I’m covering topics as they prove interesting to me, and I have no shortage of those…

About 3/4ths done the first draft for the Gonzo story, and what I’ve got down is partially edited on my computer. It may or may not be done in time for the recap in a few days, we’ll see. I hope it’s worth the wait.