Colton's Adventure

It's all useless anyway. You can't find Penny, you'll never find Penny. Frankly, it's just making you miserable trying. You should've just stayed in The City where you belonged. You thought you'd be able to find Penny on a map...

Right as you're about to give up, though, you get another chance—a chance you're not sure you wanna take.

Coming up the street, dumb and totally oblivious, is the aardwolf that Sebastian had with him that night. It has to be him, he's huge! You try to remember his name. He doesn't notice you at first, but that doesn't last as you get closer and his muzzle starts to twitch in curiosity. You're not sure whether to hide or to talk, and in the time you spent waiting around, he calls your name.


> Oh no, no, no, please no...

> Aaaaa...come on, Colton, find Penny...