Yeah, you don't wanna know anyway. You make your way back up the stairs, discarding the lantern on your way back up, and out of the library. That's enough of that for one day.
You feel as far away as ever from finding the girl you came for. It's been a long, arduous journey just to get here, and everything you've tried has either been no use or something you stood in the way of. You start to weigh your options as to what you can even do, aside from hovering the town and sleeping in the woods in the vain hope you see her one day. Can't be worse than sleeping in an alleyway and withering.
You turn down a side street, passing brightly colored house after brightly colored house, and that's when you notice a familiar face bounding up the street on the sidewalk you're on. Sebastian had a friend with him that night, a—hyena? Or something akin to that. And you're not sure if it's him (though the jacket looks familiar), but your nerves sure think it's him.
You don't wanna talk. You're frozen, completely unsure of what to do or where to run to. He's gonna hate you. This is bad.
"Colton?" he calls.