In a moment of panic, you speed by the mailman without as much as a word, trying your damndest not to make eye contact again as you get close to the top. You feel embarrassed that you can't talk to anyone without freaking out, but—you'll fix it sometime. You're busy. Whatever.
It's a lot cooler in the library than it is outside, but still pleasantly airy thanks to the arched windows and vaulted ceiling. As you walk inside, you're greeted with big, plush chairs to your right and books stretching out all along the other side of the room. Aside from the gentle whir of central air, not a thing stirs inside. A staircase lies directly ahead, taking you down to the ground level.
Everything seems well enough, until you step far enough past the entrance to be in sight of the shadowed front desk. Behind it, an old, curly-furred off-white rabbit with ears that flop down past his grey overcoat glares at you with black eyes pricked red towards the center. He stays motionless—you almost didn't notice him until you saw the eyes.
Now everything...doesn't seem well enough. So much for the calm of the library.