Tag: “The Fatal Commons”

A more personal story about a strange library full of biographies in a void and a young, nervy otter boy trying to find his way out of it. I did not finish it in time for the blog to shut down.

On “Suffocated”January 26, 2020

There really is nothing stranger than trying to describe stuff that happened when you’re 15 that only a few people know about. Hernando and Felix are on the mend, at the least.

Tags: "The Fatal Commons",

In a Blanket Haze of EphedrineJanuary 8, 2020

And I’m wondering where the hell I’ve been. One of these days shit will calm down…until then, here’s another miscellaneous update!

Tags: "The Fatal Commons", DeviantART, Pennyverse, Tesserae, Web Design,

For the BirdsDecember 22, 2019

I can’t just leave that last post as my most recent, can I? Here’s a lighter update.

Tags: "The Fatal Commons", My Music Collection, Travels,

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