Tag: My Music Collection

Albums from my giant stash of them.

Maximum Kurt CobainMarch 11, 2020

Maximum Kurt Cobain

Can you believe people write this shit?

Tags: My Music Collection, Nirvana,

A Follow-Up to MP3.comFebruary 2, 2020

Early MP3.com DAM jewel case

Some things I left out of the original post and checking in on some old users.

Tags: MP3.com, My Music Collection,

The Tragedy of MP3.comJanuary 15, 2020

MP3.com's homepage in 2000

A fallen behemoth that’s left not a trace–unless you know where to look.

Tags: MP3.com, My Music Collection,

For the BirdsDecember 22, 2019

I can’t just leave that last post as my most recent, can I? Here’s a lighter update.

Tags: "The Fatal Commons", My Music Collection, Travels,

The Cassette SideshowDecember 18, 2019

I mean, that’s all a physical album release is at this point, isn’t it?

Tags: My Music Collection,

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