Category: Strong Opinions

Proper rants. Cammy gets bothered sometimes.

Why Gopher Will FailMay 3, 2020

Gopherspace continues to be its own worst enemy–here’s why Gopher sinks instead of swims.

Tags: Gopher,

Please Don’t Use Geocities.wsApril 26, 2020 telling me I've been "reported"

A strong word of caution against free hosts and one in particular. No, it’s not Neocities this time, amazingly.

Tags: Web Design,

StudiesDecember 11, 2019

Don’t believe everything you hear. Science is great, but human error is greater. (And please stop trying to sound smart on Discord servers of all things…)


Lovey-DoveyDecember 5, 2019

I’m not especially convinced sexual liberation was a good thing, and here’s why.


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