I’ve powered through so much of the early New Leaf game with my leftover Elinar funds that I’ve fallen way behind on showing it all off. Seriously, it’s like a home loan a day right now. Got the Roost now, got Club LOL now, got the Dream Suite now, got the second floor of the museum now, got Kicks now, house is mega shittons bigger, and Shampoodle’s coming in in a day or two. Didn’t stop me from going over to Caby’s and using her Shampoodle in exchange for some fruit and paying off the Dream Suite for her >:3c
Of course, I’m mostly here to show off the dumb ways I amuse myself. I shamelessly stole this from Postal 2, but it doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy seeing my mediocre little villagers wearing it.
Tags: Animal Crossing: New Leaf,
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