[5:32 PM] OwlMan: David is shown in schools all across the world for it's craftsmanship and hardwork done by Michelangelo [5:32 PM] no step on snek: how does that logic work [5:32 PM] hosma: it's still nsfw [5:32 PM] hosma: and rule 1 says no nsfw [5:32 PM] no step on snek: I understand owlman but ^ [5:32 PM] Mariteaux: and also, he was spamming nsfw [5:33 PM] no step on snek: it was spam [5:33 PM] Mariteaux: something should probably be done about this [5:33 PM] OwlMan: Just because there's a penis does not mean it's NSFW [5:33 PM] elementz: so @hosma and @jackomix why cant u ban/kick him? [5:33 PM] hosma: yes it does [5:33 PM] no step on snek: it kind of does [5:33 PM] OwlMan: No, it's classic art; it's SFW [5:33 PM] Mariteaux: there is a dick [5:33 PM] Mariteaux: therefore [5:33 PM] Mariteaux: nsfw [5:33 PM] elementz: there are nudes [5:33 PM] elementz: therefore [5:33 PM] elementz: nsfw [5:33 PM] no step on snek: gives me science book, human body chapter 6 ptsd [5:33 PM] OwlMan: It's art, so it's not