Album Recommendations |

Albums are graded on a five-point scale of "Awful-Eh-Good-Great-Classic". I'm highly biased, so don't take it too seriously. Most of these come from my own collection, so the grades skew rather high. Your results may vary if you send me stuff to review.

The best way I can sum up my obsessions as a listener is that, if it was played on 120 Minutes, I like it. I like hooky songwriting, strange noises, big fuzzy basses, gnarly drum tones, interesting voices, and bands that know when to end a song. Beyond that, I will occasionally defend butt rock, mom rock, turn of the millennium pop rock, and various other genres considered uncool. I probably also have untapped interest in warped electronica and really lo-fi, crappy hip-hop music. Ask me again in ten years.

I have recently readded my low-bit and netlabel reviews from my old site and given download links for where you can get the indie artists' stuff. Give them your love.

(Legacy/major label artists: The Amps, Ash, Autolux, Beck, Big Black, Cage the Elephant, The Cardigans, Earlimart, Failure, The Folk Implosion, Foo Fighters, Hum, Lush, Marcy Playground, MGMT, Nickelback, Remy Zero, Sebadoh, Silversun Pickups, Starflyer 59, Stella Luna, Superdrag, Twenty One Pilots, We Are Scientists, Wilco, Wolf Parade)

(Independent/Internet artists: The Acro-Brats, c.layne, Graffiti Mechanism, Irving, John Gold, Jonathan Ian, lost kluster, Midwestern Dirt, Old Oldman, Pine Marten, This Not Beated, Wrong Way Driver)

Legacy/Major Label Artists

The Amps

Year Album Name Summary Rating
1995 Pacer Rock in rehab. Great


Year Album Name Summary Rating
1997 1977 It's better than what I was up to as a teenager. Good


Year Album Name Summary Rating
2016 Pussy's Dead Cinematic technological disturbance. Great
2010 Transit Transit The alien overcomes the machine, and it works out beautifully. Great
2004 Future Perfect A poppy whirlwind with an airtight tracklisting. Classic


Year Album Name Summary Rating
2008 Modern Guilt Dry, clipped paranoia. Great
2005 Guero "Sun-eyed", "cyanide", it all works out the same in Beck's world. Great
1998 Mutations A man, his guitar, and some saran wrap—all anyone ever needed. Classic
1996 Odelay Rockin' the plastic like a man from a casket. Classic
1994 Mellow Gold Finding humor in the vagrant lifestyle. Great

Big Black

Year Album Name Summary Rating
1982 Lungs Prime Big Black? No. Primal Big Black? Absolutely. Good

Cage the Elephant

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2011 Thank You Happy Birthday Absolutely fucking bipolar. Great
2008 Cage the Elephant A bluesy rave-up against THE MAN. Classic

The Cardigans

Year Album Name Summary Rating
1998 Gran Turismo Sonically repressed. Great


Year Album Name Summary Rating
2004 Treble and Tremble Turns out, the end was just the beginning for them. Great
2003 Everyone Down Here Silver Lake heads seaward. Great
2003 The Avenues E.P. Pianos for the ADHD-afflicted. Good


Year Album Name Summary Rating
1994 Magnified As fun as songs about car crashes and arsons get. Classic

The Folk Implosion

Year Album Name Summary Rating
1997 Dare to Be Surprised Ironically more natural than "Natural One". Classic
1995 Kids Creaky sounds for a rather notorious movie. Good
1994 Take a Look Inside... Fuckingaroundcore. Great

Foo Fighters

Year Album Name Summary Rating
1995 Foo Fighters Dave Grohl used to be weird, man. Classic


Year Album Name Summary Rating
1993 Electra2000 The trash compactor of love. Great


Year Album Name Summary Rating
1990 Gala What is this mermaid music? Classic

Marcy Playground

Year Album Name Summary Rating
1999 Shapeshifter Folklore as alt-rock, simple and endlessly appealing. Classic
1997 Marcy Playground File next to your sixteen books on magic spells. Great


Year Album Name Summary Rating
2018 Little Dark Age Only if you're trying too hard. Eh


Year Album Name Summary Rating
1996 Curb Now wait, hold on... Good

Remy Zero

Year Album Name Summary Rating
1996 Remy Zero It blows through and then it's gone. Good


Year Album Name Summary Rating
1996 Harmacy Did this really need to be nineteen tracks long? Good
1994 Bakesale Love, anxiety, and drugs in a blender. Great

Silversun Pickups

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2012 Neck of the Woods Eerie, warped, and endless. Great
2009 Swoon Release what's brewing underneath. Classic
2006 Carnavas As twinkly and cloudy as the cover art. Classic
2005 Pikul Springtime misery. Classic

Starflyer 59

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2004 I Am the Portuguese Blues As monochrome as its cover, but that's not an insult. Great
1997 The Fashion Focus Cars whizzing past in the nighttime. Great
1995 Gold Starflyer are near to the brokenhearted. Classic

Stella Luna

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2002 Stargazer The mystique matches the music for once. Great


Year Album Name Summary Rating
1997 Regretfully Yours A highly appealing sugary wasting away. Classic

Twenty One Pilots

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2018 Trench They managed not to dig a hole this time, ironically. Good

We Are Scientists

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2005 With Love and Squalor Restless, infectious, bite-sized dance-punk. Great


Year Album Name Summary Rating
1999 Summerteeth How to sound alright when you very much shouldn't be. Great

Wolf Parade

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2005 Apologies to the Queen Mary Apologies to anyone who bought this record. Eh

Independent/Internet Artists

The Acro-Brats

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2006 ...Go Down Swinging Temper tantrums done quick. Great


Year Album Name Summary Rating
2007 Shark Week Proving both the sea and the sky are out to kill you. Classic

Graffiti Mechanism

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2014 In Vitro Low-bit techno that excels despite a lack of cohesion. Great


Year Album Name Summary Rating
2006 Death in the Garden, Blood on the Flowers In my room, in the afternoon, until the garden blooms. Or suchlike. Great

John Gold

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2002 these are color days An easy blend of strong emotions. Great

Jonathan Ian

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2006 II Another whiny bitch with a guitar. Eh
2006 I Works better when you're not an angry squirrel. Good

lost kluster

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2006 Blogging Way cooler than blogging. Good

Midwestern Dirt

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2023 Twilight at a Burning Hill Midwestern's world might be on fire, but it's a very pretty fire. Classic
2020 Sayonara Passing along into the afterlife. Great
2018 Down the Stairs and to the Left BRIAN AUBERT SOLO RECORD okay not quite. Great
2017 Amendments If you're on that boat, you've got nothing better to do anyway. Good

Old Oldman

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2007 The Tender Ass EP Spanky spanky, but you won't know it at first. Great

Pine Marten

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2002 Beautiful Stakes and Powerpoles Leave it to a couple desert kids to make the ideal Pennsylvania album. Great

This Not Beated

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2008 Fuckers in Fucking Hole For Fuck Horribly impolite. Good

Wrong Way Driver

Year Album Name Summary Rating
2011 Nonplussed Baby marten. Great