Art Gallery |

This was a big reason I wanted to redo my site—it didn't have my art on it! I've been learning to draw since January 2022, and I'm still pretty amateurish, but I'm figuring it out quick when I have the motivation. I like animal people, comfy clothes, and fantasy getups, mostly.

Since DeviantART is effectively unusable and I'm not really keen on setting up a "presence" for myself (since this is just a hobby), I've put together this basic HTML gallery. Even at top pace, I still only draw 3-4 finished things a month, so I've arranged these by seasons. Click the drawings for full size!

But my ghosts come to me these days - March 18, 2024

The two things I wanted to do starting off 2024 were to park my main Somnolescent site and take my private, and here's the art for the profile, three months late. That's okay though—I think this is fucking awesome. I've had the idea of Cammy being haunted by a book containing the spirits of my OCs since last year, and I really tried to lean into it and make this one I'd be proud of. This is like four generations of OCs I've fixated on in one drawing.

As a little bonus, this is my first time lighting a drawing! Caby suggested I do some proper lit areas after I got done with the shading to keep things from looking too flat, and while I wasn't initially sure I'd care for the results, they definitely helped, so I kept them!

Prince - March 13, 2024

Ah, Prince. I've not posted any of the drawings I've done of him yet to the gallery (mostly because I didn't like how they came out), but this one, I really love. He's an old pink cat design that Caby drew as a teenager, did a redraw of, and then I fell in love with him. I jokingly call him my boyfriend now and Caby teases me about it.

Anyway, here he is leaning against a wall and looking fruity. I went with airbrush coloring because it suits his softness. Shoutout to when I colored his entire face pink forgetting he had a white muzzle, woke up the next morning, and rushed to fix it before I posted it places. I'm glad Sheezy was down all weekend!

Rainbow Dalmatian - February 27, 2024

Another of Caby's random designs... She doodled this rainbow jumper dalmatian back in 2020 and immediately said she didn't like him. I was always fond of him (no idea why), but I do admit, the pure white she was using for his light patches was a little ghastly. I warmed him up a bit here, and now I think I'll keep him. Not sure where, maybe just as one to doodle. The rainbows were inspired by Activision's Atari 2600 cart designs, where everything was rainbows and gradients.

Colton Ref - February 21, 2024

Colton's original green jacket was actually based off of a jacket Caby owned (and there's drawings of her in it as well). Something I told Caby way back when was that, when I learn to draw and Colton becomes my design, I'm gonna put him in the stripey jacket I was living in at college when I came up with him—it was a comfort object for me, and I can imagine him having something similar.

Here's that day. (Amusingly, the stripes give him sort of a Kurt Cobain thing going on, which fits with the 90s alt music theme, but was totally not intended. Caby says he looks like King Julian from Madagascar as well, so make of that what you will.) I wound up using the rest of the page as expression practice and also just head drawing practice in general. The big eyes are so key with Colton, firstly because he's young, and secondly because his head is so large that he has a lot of space to emote as well. I made them a bit glowy as well, because raccoons.

Also, this drawing got me my first award on Sheezy! From the lead developer and all. Genuinely made me go nuts when I saw it, and was one thing that's helped encourage me to keep posting my work publicly.

Freeway Cola - February 16, 2024

This was the first thing I drew after landing in Wales to see Caby for a few weeks. I had just gone through a pretty rough patch emotionally, and I was still jet-lagged to hell and back. This is probably the closest to vent art I could come without it being silly. If you're curious, Cammy's drinking Lidl brand Cokey Cola, which is Trys and Caby's favorite, both for normal sippies and also for rum and cokes.

Fantasy Cammys - January 29, 2024

More Cammys—can't you tell I'm happy to be able to draw that boy now? Cammy's now had two fantasy outfits, one more of a scout/wanderer type with a tunic, and then a bathrobey wizardy outfit I came up with and drew back in December 2022. This was a redraw of both! I can't decide which one I like better, so I think I'll just keep both of 'em. Cammy's never minded a costume change. (Also, shoes! If wanderer Cammy's gonna be walking a lot, might as well give him some boots.)

ACNES Compatibility List - January 11, 2024

I don't normally post site graphics on here, but I really like how the sign came out on this one, so I'm gonna make an exception. This is for the page on my ongoing quest to try every single US-released official NES game in ACNES, the NES emulator built into the GameCube version of Animal Crossing. Villager Setter is definitely bizarre to look at though, but he's cute enough. I had intended to have him at a front angle like when you turn the game on, but I could not make it look right and he'd basically be all nose anyway, so I copied the pose from Biskit's Wild World promo art.

Coming Soon! - January 3, 2024

So given that has come so far, I wanted to park mari@somnol with something that let folks know it's not dead and I've got big plans for the space. I actually tried drawing Cammy with a chunky Mac back in 2022 for this exact purpose, and it was even cute! I just never got around to finishing that specific drawing, so I figured I'd redraw it since the idea is still cute.

I love this fluffy, uncool goober. He is me.

Pick a season!

2024 Winter Spring Summer Autumn
2023 Winter Spring Summer Autumn
2022 Winter Spring Summer Autumn