This page houses things I've done and resources that
Escargot users may find helpful.
Don't know what that is? Escargot is a rebuilt server for MSN Messenger through
Windows Live Messenger 2009. It's pretty fun!
(dropbox folder)
This is my personal Escargot (Windows Live Messenger 2009)
installer package. It prevents conflicting installs by offering
to uninstall your existing copy of Live Essentials first.
package also includes Movie Maker and Photo Gallery.
After downloading all files in this folder as a zip file,
extract it, right click and run
as administrator.
- My guide to
Messenger status integrations (NINA Forum)
- ..and Multi Messenger Presence, a tool that sets your status
based on window titles.
Status (MG)
- Show your Escargot status online. This was a little weekend
experiment with Messenger Plus!, Flask and repl.it for the backend.
Quite old! -
- WLM Backup Scripts
- This is a very simple method to backup/restore your backgrounds,
emoticons, scenes, sounds, display pictures and winks to a flash drive or
cloud folder. This way you have one place for all of this data so if you
install MSN on another computer, you can just restore it and get your stuff
back. Put the Batch files in the place you want to store your master copy.
- These work for 8.x and later:
xcopy /s /i %localappdata%\Microsoft\Messenger\your@email.here\ObjectStore
- xcopy /s /i ObjectStore %localappdata%\Microsoft\Messenger\your@email.here\ObjectStore
- On XP, use
%appdata% instead. 7.x data can be found in
C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN
Messenger. There will be a folder with a number for its name to represent
your account. Note that the format for custom emoticons is different between
7.x and 8.x, so 8.x emoticons unfortunately can't be restored into 7.x or
seemingly vice versa.