I have been telling myself I'll hop on this weblog thing for months now. Now, I've been doing the whole .plan file thing since before you were out of your nappies, so that's not the issue. I just get so damn busy and caught up in work to keep stuff like that. Or go outside, frankly.
Well, you don't have to worry anymore, internet. Web people. Whoever might be reading this. I'm taking my 10MB our overpriced ISP awards us and doing something with all that. If I think of something, that will probably go here. If something weird happens in my day-to-day life, that also will probably go here.
So a little introduction. I'm Sebastian, or Seb, I guess. I like my computers quick, my room dark, and my AC blasting. I'm an armadillo, City native, born and raised in Chartreuse (the not-dirty, not-shitty neighborhood next to the dirty, shitty ones), but at the moment, we've relocated to this weird, creepy, probably haunted village out in the Valley called Apricot Bay. (I have my suspicions. Maybe a story or two to tell on this site.) Beyond that, I play too many shooters and I try to keep my friends and roommates, Kevin and Penny, out of trouble. (Also some stories to tell there.)
If you want, you can mail me at seb [at] isp.somnolescent.net. I should respond pretty quick, given that I am almost always at home. Any abuse tossed at me will be returned, so any of you AOL summer kids trying to be keyboard warriors when we play Counter Strike can sit on it and spin.