I’ve never really heard much about XP MCE’s sample music in comparison to that of other editions of Windows, but I like it. Good bunch of rock/alt stuff.
Particularly Mark Knopfler, Rosie Thomas and The Shins.
See: “515 am”, “Red Rover”, and “So Says I”. The video for that last one is very entertaining.
Current Music: 515 am – Mark Knopfler
I’m writing this post from the WebPC with Semagic running on XP!
I am also using a USB fan plugged into the keyboard I’m using which can drive that but doesn’t have enough power for my Intuos 2 somehow
Current Mood: triumphant
Current Music: Silversun Pickups – Checkered Floor
Emergency ration special! These don’t need to be frozen. They thus remind me vaguely of pet food.
I’m finding it tricky to review these on a scale. It’s kinda salty and it weirds me out a little more than the frozen stuff so maybe a 6/11, though I very nearly prefer it to the wheels and cheese from that other time that I rated 7. I actually had one of these before and I think there was less shock to it this time.
8/11: I forgot to preorder lunch today, so I was very fortunate to have some food stored in my locker. Unlike the meals I’ve covered here before, these are composed only of the noodles and the sauce in a separate pouch, meaning you can store it in room temperature for a good amount of time and it won’t go bad. You just need to fill it with water yourself. Meaning the noodles are quite substantially better than previous meals, not being awkwardly lumped in on the side of the sauce before cooking. It all tastes good, though maybe a bit of a.. watery aftertaste? Could’ve let the sauce stand a little more after stirring to thicken.
I was a bit worried going into it, but it came out and it genuinely tastes pretty solid! 8.96 out of 11!
I wonder if some restaurants I’ve went to in my youth serve this as their mac and cheese. It seems awfully familiar.
I’ll give it a 7/11, better than the Lean Cuisine Swedish Meatballs, shape maybe not my favorite, the noodles are a bit jelly and the sauce isn’t too much to write home about. Is alright.