
News Updates

(8086) 8086 views! Also, Quick Find improvements!
(search) Quick Find! Know the name of a page on my site? Get there quickly!
(paint) New look!
(tux) First, I made a new Linux Webring! Second, here's my GeoCities research paper from last year if you're interested in reading it.
(5000 views) We broke 5K! Thank you so much!
(jukebox) Have you checked out the new music player yet?
(folder) Navigation is now in the top-right corner of the screen!
(button) I now have some 88x31 buttons!
(jukebox) 1K! Party time!
(686) Happy 686 views xD
(586) Happy 586 views xD (wow already?)
(486) Happy 486 views xD
(386) Happy 386 views xD