

Hover over the links below to see a description.

Archaeology: One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age, GifCities, Reocities, Oocities, (Wayback Machine, Downloader gem) Internet History Podcast, Curlie, Evolt Browser Archive
Cool Old Websites: Bad Human Factors Designs, Netscape, Excite
Web Development: EchoEcho, w3schools, MDN, JS/HTML Beautifier, Lorem Picsum, LunaPic, Paletton, Color Hunter, HTML Encoder, Glitch
Linux Distros: Ubuntu (Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Budgie, MATE, Studio, Xubuntu), Mint, Elementary OS, Solus
FOSS Software: GIMP (BIMP Batch Image Manipulation plugin), LibreOffice, Firefox (SeaMonkey, Pale Moon), Lynx, WinDirStat
FOSS Cross-Platform Games: Neverball/Neverputt, OpenRCT2 (RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 files required)

Neocities: Neocities, NeoMail Mailings, Hit Counter, Discord Server