Caby's Art Fight 2021

A far more experimental, relaxed year. After the absolute rush that was 2020, and the burnout that followed, I was keen to avoid that same situation. And luckily, I was mostly successful. One thing that helped was the fact that it was simply impossible for me to keep up my ratio, as I was bombarded with attacks and revenges for the year before. So instead, I just picked characters I liked and played around with different brushes and styles. Despite this slower approach, I still managed 50 attacks, which I'm very pleased with.

This was also the year I decided to draw some MLP fan characters, especially in big group pictures. I used my G1-inspired style, and it was a lot of fun. The character owners seemed to like it too!

Team: Steampunk
Attacks: 43
Friendy Fire: 7
Total: 50
Outcome: Winner!

Cavycorn Wawa Dark Skroll Jane Charlene Fragrance
Breezetail Rhys Sierra Kappa Naz Timber AB
Diego/Amaranth Dolly Kitty Berry Twist Polaris/Lince Archimedes
Aries Lucia Many ponies... Clementine Marcus Roosa
Many more ponies... Chad Parsnip Heimdal Ashly Maple
Citrus Cat Juniper (animated!) Cloud/Bernie North Pepper Raine
Rosalind Agaric Diesel Sunny Rin Jetfoot
Otto (the other) Pepper Kissy/Dove Nicholas Goldenrod Oscar
Violet Shadow Champagne