September 2018

This here entry is far shorter than the other ones because I just didn’t have much drawn this month. Sad times.

Oh man, vintage Seb. I think this might be the very first drawing of him, too. When Cameron and I were designing him. Ah, memories~ He hasn’t changed much, other than in his proportions

A pouty Catrin, perhaps thoughtful. Probably thinking about dinner. Or barfights. One or the other. So fluffy!! Still quite like the eyes on this one, very pretty. Plus the patterning on the fur. Fun stuff.

Sunbear. It’s a sunbear. Simple but effective.

One Response to “September 2018”

  1. tom Says:

    Caby, I would like to talk to you about adopting Seb for a special project I think you’d like very much and is very fitting for Seb given their history. Would you please get in contact with me over XMPP, Email, or IRC in order of preference.